Sunday, April 22, 2012

Face Book Cross Over

It gets brought to my attention that not everyone uses and or follows us on Facebook.  As I tend to post quite a bit on FB, I thought I'd take a bit of time to update the blog with some of the more family relevant pictures and posts.  Enjoy!

Thursday April 19th - Found a cool web based photo app, so I did this quick picture of Jacob.

Wednesday April 18th - Jacob on opening night of his play

April 8th - Easter Dinner at Chris and Cindy's house.

April 1st - Jacob and cast mates on the set of Prodigy Bully (USC campus)

April 1st - Jacob on the set of Prodigy Bully (USC campus)

February 27 - Jacob on the set of Burt Wonderstone.

March 25th - At the end of our Coaster Run.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

VW Stop Motion

Jacob built this cool VW Bus, and shot a stop motion video with his 3DS.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Gah!  Too big!!!

Wow...J.C.Penny catalog models (circa 1978)