Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween (and a little bit of the 'Lu)

Here are a couple of shots of the kids in their costumes

Mouseketeer Jennie and Jacob 'John Lennon - Sgt. Pepper'

Too much Fun!

Jennie's haul

Last weekend, we were at Cal Lu for Homecoming, so we had to grab a picture of the kids under 'Gumby' aka the Enormous Luther.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stop the Presses!!

....we went to Disneyland this weekend. O.K... so this is not ground shaking news, but I hadn't blogged in over a month.

For those of you familiar with California are a couple of updates:
Maliboomer is being removed, Mulholland Madness is being re-imagined as a Goofy's Flight School, and the park is generally completely honked up right now.

Since Muholland Madness is being re-imagined, Jennie took the time to go on the ride two last times. The ride will be shut down next week.

As usual, Jennie doesn't need a ride to be adventurous.

Man, Jacob is getting TALL!

Ah the love of a brother and a sister...usually a one way street!