Sunday, February 22, 2009

Academy Awards - Kids not interested!

While Ann and I watched the 81st Academy Awards, Jennie and Jacob had better things to do.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Quick Catch Up

It has been pointed out to me the the blog had not been updated in almost a month (thanks Christo!), so here's a quick note:

  • Kids are doing great in school - progress reports were both outstanding.
  • Ann is staying strong at school with both good and challenging kids.
  • I've been traveling with the new job (Chicago, Boston) with more on the horizon.
We went to Disneyland last weekend and met up with our friends Brandon and Joe. The weather was great and we were glad we went before the rains. Here are a few pictures:

Joe, Jacob, Brandon, Ann and a squinty Jennie.

Oh, no! Brandon is missing a leg!

The two faces of Jacob.

Jennie in her natural habitat - climbing!