Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring Break in Cold Springs

Here are a bunch of photos from our spring break trip to Cold Springs.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Skiing with Ian

The kids had two days of lessons, and were lucky enough to get the same instructor both days. Ian was an awesome teacher, and today, the kids were his only students.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Oscar Sunday

Well, in honor of the 82nd Annual Academy Awards, here are a couple of Jacob's performances that I was finally able to get together for the blog.

The first is from the movie Powder Blue, a movie most notable for having Jessica Biel in the role of an exotic dancer. The scene Jacob is in is near the end of the movie during a marionette show. Here is the best shot of Jacob.

This was a shot from the 'making of ' on the DVD.

Here is the scene from Powder Blue.

Next is Changeling, a bit more cache' of a film, directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Angelina Jolie. The scene is Jacob in a dentist chair. He was a look alike for the child actor, who couldn't work anymore that week due to child labor laws.

Here is the scene.

Right when the dentist opens the door, you get your best glimpse.

To put the shot in context, here is the master shot.

My video clip and pictures don't really do the shot justice. If you get a chance to watch the movie, you can really see that it is Jacob in the shot.

Well, enough proud (over indulgent) dad for today.