Sunday, September 9, 2012

Long time gone...

Been a while, eh?  I will do my best to post here a bit more often. Quick catch up on the  last week...

 Ran our 10th consecutive family 5K@ Californian Adventure

 Ran my first 1/2 Marathon @ Disneyland
 Ann ran HER  first 1/2 Marathon @ Disneyland
 We survived !
 Won a cool medal
1st day of school for 2012/2013!

I'll try to do better!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Face Book Cross Over

It gets brought to my attention that not everyone uses and or follows us on Facebook.  As I tend to post quite a bit on FB, I thought I'd take a bit of time to update the blog with some of the more family relevant pictures and posts.  Enjoy!

Thursday April 19th - Found a cool web based photo app, so I did this quick picture of Jacob.

Wednesday April 18th - Jacob on opening night of his play

April 8th - Easter Dinner at Chris and Cindy's house.

April 1st - Jacob and cast mates on the set of Prodigy Bully (USC campus)

April 1st - Jacob on the set of Prodigy Bully (USC campus)

February 27 - Jacob on the set of Burt Wonderstone.

March 25th - At the end of our Coaster Run.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

VW Stop Motion

Jacob built this cool VW Bus, and shot a stop motion video with his 3DS.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Gah!  Too big!!!

Wow...J.C.Penny catalog models (circa 1978)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Principal's List

Jennie made the Principal's List at school today - once again, I have proof that I am the 4th smartest person in my house!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Back in September, Jacob worked on the short lived Hank Azaria sitcom Free Agents. The show was cancelled before the episode aired, so we thought we would never see it. Fortunately , the internet is a hungry beast, and all kinds of things that used to die end up on line forever. Our friend Jeremy was on Hulu, and he came across the un-aired episode! Below is Jacob's scene.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Neverland Family 5K At Disneyland

The Family - Pre-Race.

Getting ready to start in front of the castle.

Sorry for the blurry shot, but this was the projected logo.

Personalized bibs and finisher medals.

Still going strong after midnight.

Ah, California in January!
Shot of the finish area for the 1/2 marathon

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Morro Bay Weekend

Sunsets are easy, but they still look great!

Jennie pleading for her dream car...just 6 years too soon!

These two birds turned together just in time!

The ripples make this picture work...the kid is pretty cute too!

I dig the reflection in this shot of Jennie

Yes...Morro Rock...cliche', but still cool.

He swears that he wasn't, but it looks like Jacob is telling the ocean to get back!

This is what keeps me going and makes me strive to be a better person.

Photography 101 - make sure your subjects are all looking in DIFFERENT directions!

Gives ya hope...

Silhouettes - I like 'em!

I like the composition - Morro Rock, Jennie and the gull.

Always in motion.

Silhouettes - I like 'em! part 2