Once again, since I've lost most of my mind, I participated in the 2010 Muddy Buddy. This is my 3rd time...they say with age comes wisdom...HA!
Anyway, I say participated, because I cannot in all good conscience say that I ‘ran’ it!
I had a new partner this year – David Sapienza who I work with at THQ.
We looked much better at the start of the race - pictures to come.And as in previous years, the athletic abilities of my partner far outshined mine, allowing him long breaks at the transition areas waiting for yours truly to show up.

Race stats for this year's and previous Muddy Buddy events.
For the first time, the Muddy Buddy folks published the info on overall ranking (not just by age group). This year we came in 450
th out of 576 teams that finished.
The good news is that even though my times have gotten slower, I don’t hurt as much as I have in the past…at least today!
And on a very fun final note, Jennie decided to run the Mini Muddy Buddy this year. It consisted of a short obstacle course, followed by a crawl through the mud.
I've put a few pictures below.

So happy when the day starts...
...and then at the end!
The difference in the race clock time and our actual time is based on when our group (Wave 3) started...I promise that I didn't cook the books for a better time!

Say what you will about her old man, but Jennie was born to run!

Little explanation... Jennie is trying to get under the flags, but she is stuck in the mud!

A very helpful member of the ROTC pulled Jennie out of the mud, then accompanied her through the rest of the mud pit. Please note the position of my daughter's hind end...

On the very last flag, the young princesses’ plan of only getting her hands and legs muddy came to a quick and splashy end!


Oh Jennie...its just mud!